Source: Kumparan.com
Papua can be said as a Paradise of Indonesia because there are so many stunning and exotic places to explore. Danau Habema which can also be called as Yuginopa lake is one of exotic places that can be explored in eastern part of Indonesia. The lake is located in the area of Lorentz National Park in Wamena City and can be reached 1.5 to 2 hours from the city.
This lake is very special because it resides on highland and lately has become the highest lake in Indonesia. It is located at an altitude of more than 3000 meters above the sea levels. For Dani, one of Papuan tribes that live near the lake, Habema is a sacred yet holy place as a symbol of life. These facts are some of the main attractions of Habema lake.
Highest Lake in Indonesia
Located in the highlands, Habema is known as the lake above the clouds. Most tourists visiting Wamena will never miss the opportunity to explore this highest lake. From Wamena, tourists have to travel as far as 48 kilometers by car. The terrain that should be passed to reach the lake is not easy with steep, uphill and winding roads.
However, this is then motivating most travelers to feel fun yet challenging sensation of an unusual trip. The trip will take 3 hours but it will be fun because tourists can enjoy every sight during the trip. The expanse of hills with tall trees and cool air will spoil the eyes along the way. Leaving in the morning will be a great idea where there is opportunity to enjoy beautiful sunrise between the mountains. It will be a rare sight and feel so impressive.
The next attraction of Lake Habema lies in the view presented at the main location of the lake when arrived. Habema lake is located on the slopes of Mount Trikora. Thus, the tourists who arrive at the main location will witness the collaboration of the beauty of the lake with a very exotic mountain view as the backdrop.
Natural panorama in the form of exotic lake goes along with the background of Trikora peak perfectly. Well, Trikora peak is one of the highest mountains in Indonesia. Trikora has another name called Wilhelmina peak. The long trip to Habema is worth the effort.
However, later the tourists can enjoy exotic landscapes once touching down the lake. The panorama is perfect to take some awesome pictures to remember. That’s why this lake has become one of the most favorite spots to visit by most travelers around the world.
Flora and Fauna in Habema Lake
Habema lake is located in the area of Lorentz National Park which is one of the largest National Parks in Southeast Asia. This makes the location around the lake become home to hundreds of majestic flora and fauna. Lorentz National Park itself renowned for its biodiversity, its various climates are home to many animals. One of them is Papuan tree kangaroos. There are also many rare bird species living there such as the Pesquet parrot.
The types of animals that have been identified are 630 species of birds and 123 species of mammals. There are types of bird identified in the National Park and some of them are iconic species. There are two types of cassowary, four megapods, 31 types of pigeons, 30 types of cockatoos, 29 species of honey birds, and 20 endemic species including long tailed paradise birds (Cenderawasih) and snow quail.
Besides several types of fauna, there is one interesting thing that can be found around the Habema Lake, called an ancient fern plant or Cyathea atrox. According to some experts, ancient ferns are thought to have lived in the Silurian and Devonian periods that occurred in the Paleozoic era 438 million years ago. Therefore, this fern has its own uniqueness compared to the types of its family.
It is unique since they have large unbranched stems with a trunk diameter of approximately 20 cm. They grow straight up to a height of approximately 3 meters. They grow on the banks of rivers and among the vast grasses in groups. The distribution of ancient ferns in Habema lake is limited to certain areas such as swamps or on the banks of rivers. Its population is very small and vulnerable to extinction.
Home to Papuan Tribes
Lorentz National Park has wonders of rare animals that live side by side with the seven Papuan ethnics. The culture in this area is estimated to be about 30.000 years old. Well, this area is home to several Papuan tribes including Dani, Nduga, Amungme, Asmat and Sempan tribe. Their culture is very diverse and interesting too.
The Dani tribe, for example, considers Habema lake to be a sacred location and source of life. There is also the Asmat tribe that is famous for their sculptural skills and identical with forest and trees. For Asmat, the tree symbolizes the human body with the branches as the arms, the trunk as the body, and the fruit as the head.
Well, Papuan tribes who live near Habema lake have a cultural festival once a year. It is called the Baliem Valley Festival. It is a war simulation event between Lani, Dani and Yali tribes. The tourists can enjoy the war simulation as well as dance performances of each tribe. The festival can be enjoyed in August and usually coincides with the celebration of Indonesian independence.
If you plan to visit Wamena, it would be better to plan the trip in August so that you not only enjoy the wonderful landscape of Habema lake and surrounding but also can enjoy Papuan cultural performance as well. It would be a great and unforgettable opportunity to see Papuan tribes in war in the form of simulation.
Setting foot on one of the highest lakes in Indonesia which is located in the largest National Park area in Southeast Asia, of course, will be an honor and unforgettable one. So, do not forget to put Habema lake on your vacation list to enjoy the hidden paradise in Papua.