Papua stores a variety of exotic and natural locations deep in nature. One of them is Idenberg lake which seems still rarely known by most people. Danau Idenberg also called as Ngga Pimsit is located in the area of Mount Puncak Jaya which is in the inland of Papua Province.
The mountain that is included in the ranks of Barisan Sudirman has a height of about 4,888 meters above the sea level. As we all know that Puncak Jaya is the highest peak and the only tropical glacier in Indonesia. This location is also included in Lorentz National Park, the largest National Park in Southeast Asia. To get to the Idenberg lake, the visitors have to climb Mount Puncak Jaya.
Well, the easiest route to climb the mountain or Carstensz Pyramid (International name) is through the north and southbound lanes. On the south lane, you will pass through Singa and Tembagapura while on the northbound lane you will pass through Ilaga. The terrain to get to the lake is one of the reasons why Idenberg is still not visited by many tourists.
Eternal Snowy Mysterious Lake of Puncak Jaya
Idenberg lake itself is at an altitude of 4,313 meters above sea levels. This spot can be a perfect climbing target if you don’t plan to get to the top of Puncak Jaya. It takes you approximately 2 hours to arrive at the lake. This natural tourism is indeed mysterious. Sometimes, water discharge in the lake is abundant and at one time suddenly dry. This makes the lakes become more interesting.
During the trip to the lake, you will be amazed to see vertical cliffs of grayish-white rocks that look like a view of a different country. Arriving at the lake, you will spot grayish-white hills surrounding the lake. If you are lucky, you can spot the view of a beautiful lake covered in snow.
Before deciding to travel to the lake, you should do the best preparation possible because it is quite difficult. The location is quite high and the terrain is not suitable for the beginner climber. Even so high, there are no indigenous Papuans who live around this lake.
Idenberg Lake Attraction
Idenberg lake is actually located near PT. Freeport Indonesia’s Grasberg Open Pit Mine. It means that the access to the starting point can be reached easily. It’s just more effort that is needed to start the climb and reach the location of the lake. It takes approximately 2 hours. When arriving at the location of the lake, there are various interesting things that can be found to pay off the fatigue during the trip.
Before reaching the valley and lake, towards Idenburg from the Southern part of Papua, several blocks of ancient limestones due to the impact of earth plates must be climbed. This semi-extreme journey requires physical condition. It is associated with high air pressure and thin oxygen levels. In addition, the path that must be taken dominantly is the backs of old limestones with gaping ravines in the left-right. Balance and vigilance are really needed for this trip.
Other areas in the Central Mountain of Papua at such elevation, Idenberg is included in the subtropical climate of tundra alpine. The temperature will range from 11 to 16 during the day and even cooler at night. Plants cannot grow higher but they have sturdy stems and leaves. So, you cannot find any high plants around Idenberg lake. The climate also causes the weather changes to occur quickly between sunny, foggy and raining.
Mysterious Snow Covered Lake
Exotic panorama of Idenberg greets the visitors with its snowy lakes. This exotic scenery has already been found since on the way to the lake. During the trip, visitors will be accompanied by a view of grayish-white cliffs until reaching the lake. Besides its beauty, the lake is also mysterious. Sometimes, the water is full but other times the water is gone. This is why Idenberg is referred to as a mysterious lake because no one knows where this water is gone sometimes.
The lake in Idenburg valley in bright weather will stand out with its green color. It has become an icon and perfect final destination during the trip. Algae that are green strengthen the nuance of Idenburg lake’s color. This lake includes a puddle of rainwater that does not have inflows and outflows on the surface but rather a flow through cavities into the ground. In dry weather, then the lake will dry and leave algae at the base.
Eternal Snowy Cliffs
The lake is in the area of Puncak Jaya so the height of the lake is already clear. This is one of the factors that make the lake and surrounding areas are covered in snow since Puncak Jaya is the only snowy place in Indonesia. The height of Mount Jayawijaya makes the top of this mountain always have eternal snow.
In addition to the snowy lake, you will also be greeted with a stretch of scenery of eternal snowy cliffs as far as you can see. Idenberg lake has a pair of peaks named Soemantri and Garuda that surround the lake in the middle.
On the edge of the lake, there is large land with overgrown grass which will be suitable for rest. It will allow you to relax after 2 hours climbing to the top. Although snowy, the sun still shines so that you will not freeze because of the weather.
Idenburg is included in a sub-tropical climate with cool temperature and weather change will quickly occur between sunny, foggy and raining. However, you should be careful because weather conditions are unpredictable. When you see the potential for fog, you should immediately return to avoid such unwanted situations because of the weather.
These are all the things that can be found and enjoyed in Idenberg lake located in Puncak Jayawijaya, Papua. If you are interested and ready to have such an adventurous journey in this part of Paradise Island you can plan to go to Danau Idenburg. In addition, there are many exotic spots and beautiful scenery you can explore in Paradise Papua.