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  • Asbat Mohamed


Enjoy Exotic Landscape of Habema Lake, The Highest Lake in Indonesia

Papua can be said as a Paradise of Indonesia because there are so many stunning and exotic places to explore. Danau Habema which can also...

Indonesia’s Eastern Tourism City, Merauke

Merauke City is a county town located at the eastern end of Indonesia. The privilege that we rarely hear turns out to save so much....

The Origins of Papua’s Typical Food, Papeda

Papeda is a typical food of Papuan, Maluku, and several regions in Sulawesi. This food has a food ingredient that is rarely consumed by Indonesians...

5 Travel Destinations That Can Be Visited When To Jayapura the Capital of Papua

Jayapura is a modern city located in a bay called Yos Sudarso Bay. The name Jayapura has the meaning “ City of Victory ” in...

Mansinam Island Keeps the History of Papua Island’s Civilization and Maritime Tourism

Mansinam Island is an island in Western Papua that has a very influential history of civilization that we should not forget when visiting Papua Island....

West Papua

West Papua, Indonesian Papua Barat formerly West Irian Jaya, propinsi [or provinsi; province] of Indonesia, including the Bomberai and Doberai [Vogelkop] peninsulas on the western...

Infrastructure Development in West Papua

Indonesia’s government always tries to protect the natural resources in West Papua so they won’t be ruined and lost in the future. Besides that, they...

Indonesia’s big development push in Papua

Papua and West Papua provinces are among President Joko Widodo’s top focus in his ambitious infrastructure development program for Indonesia’s remote and under-developed regions.Not everyone...

The Blooming Development in West Papua that has never been Discussed Before!

“If you were to examine the economic and social conditions of West Papua per capital as opposed to Papua New Guinea (PNG), even PNG would...

The Raja Ampat Creature Feature Series –The Big Cuttlefish

Raja Ampat is rightly known as the most biodiverse marine ecosystem in the world. The abundance of healthy coral reefs and marine species is a...