There is certainly no doubt about the charm of Papua. Bumi Cendrawasih really has many interesting things and is no less than Bali and Lombok, starting from natural tourism, culinary, history to culture.
However, before going on holiday to Jayapura Papua, you should make several preparations and make careful planning, including transportation, accommodation and budget. Below outlines a cost guide for transportation, accommodation and consumption in Jayapura:
Intercity transportation costs
To get to Jayapura, you must first take the air route from Soekarno Hatta Airport (Jakarta) to Sentani Airport (Jayapura). Airline tickets for this route are usually IDR 3 million to IDR 20 million, depending on the fleet and class of flight taken. This is the ticket price for one flight.
Of course, the cost of round-trip plane tickets is very expensive. So, try to find promotions or discounts to get more affordable plane ticket prices. Apart from that, avoid going on holiday during the holiday season because ticket prices will soar at that time.
If you have a long holiday, you can choose to use the land route connected by sea. The price is of course much cheaper, but the journey from Tanjung Priok port to arriving in Jayapura City takes around seven days.
Local transportation costs
When you arrive in Papua, you also have to choose the means of transportation you use while traveling around Jayapura. Do you want to use public transportation or rent a car?
There are many public transportation options, such as public transportation, motorbike taxis and online taxis. The price of course depends on the distance. If you don’t want the hassle, a car rental service could be an option. However, the price is certainly much more expensive. Generally the cost of renting a car per day reaches IDR 500 thousand, plus driver and fuel costs.
Accommodation costs
The most common choice is a three-star hotel with a price range of IDR 500 thousand per night. In three-star hotels you usually get adequate facilities, such as 24-hour room service, AC, WIFI plus free breakfast. The budget can be reduced if you stay at a one-star or jasmine hotel with a stay rate of around IDR 200 thousand per night. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on accommodation, a homestay could be the right alternative. Even though they don’t have services like hotels, many homestays are quite comfortable.
Consumption costs
In Jayapura, the average price of food ranges between IDR 10 thousand to IDR 50 thousand depending on the menu and restaurant you visit. If you want to enjoy food in restaurants and cafes, the price may be more expensive, up to hundreds of thousands. It is recommended to always ask before buying, because each eating place has its own pricing policy.
Tourist costs
Don’t forget to provide a budget for tours and souvenirs. Jayapura has many interesting places that you can visit, such as Yacoba Beach, Harlem Beach, Kali Biru Genyem, Holtekamp Beach, Base-G Beach, Teletubies Hill, Lake Sentani, Pasir Enam Beach and many more. The entrance ticket price ranges from IDR 10 thousand to IDR 20 thousand. Also prepare more budget if you want to take a boat around Lake Sentani or take a boat to cross to small islands. While touring Jayapura, don’t forget to buy souvenirs for friends or family in your country.

Author: JS
Travel Vlogger, Journalist,